Meet Clare

champion for Female Empowerment and SHOWCASING THE HUMAN BEHIND THE PERCEPTION

Clare has been an Entrepreneur for over a decade. As a child she was the rebellious kid who talked too much and didn't listen to the rules. Always wanting to become wealthy and forge her own path, but feeling societal shame and judgement for it.

It's no surprise that over time she lost who she was destined to be - Her Souls Purpose.
Becoming a first time mum at 19 (second at 30) she then spent most of her adult life in an abusive relationship and loosing herself even more.

In her career she was successful, and had many achievements by her mid 20's. At 25 she created her life long dream of becoming an entrepreneur - building an award winning business in the corporate sector - yet still felt unfulfilled and shame for wanting more. For what she had created, even though in her zone of genius, was not through passion or purpose - it was through conditioning and limited self beliefs of what she thought she could and should do. 

In her early 30's Clare had her spiritual awakening. She left her abusive relationship and threw herself into Mindfulness, Meditation, Inner Child Work, Oracle Cards, Crystals, Astrology, Manifestation, Self Help and finding her True Self. It was through this journey she created her second, and third (6 figure) businesses - in the spiritual world of crystals. Through this self healing work Clare was able to increase her income to £300k PA, but yet still something was missing...

Ready for big transformation, to fill the hole that always remained, despite the external success, Clare went on to invest in herself with high level coaching. Re-connected with her natural born gifts, she was finally ready to create a life and business she had always dreamt of. Reprogramming her own stories around money and reframing her mindset to enable big shifts in her life and business

Only, to then loose herself once again in all the noise of the online space. 

This led to her infamous month in the void where she released every identity held and surrendered to the unknown, in the hope of finding her truest, highest path.. 

Through that despair, Clare started to share her journey in real time with her community, the breakdowns and the breakthroughs, the good the bad and the ugly (even the warrior paint!). And in doing so, she noticed something happening. A sense of liberation she had never felt before, a feeling of freedom she had never experienced before. Unleashed from the shackles of the smoke and mirrors in the online space, Clare had lived through the very thing she was here to bring into the World. Real & Raw Leadership. Showing not just the hyped success stories we are all sick of, but the messy middle, the vulnerability and the 360 degree picture of what success truly looks like behind the scenes - because underneath it all, we are all the same.

Showcasing the HUMAN behind the Perception

And so the movement was born...

Clare is no different to YOU... 

"Behind the scenes we are all navigating, experiencing and feeling the same things"

Clare garner

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Fun facts about me

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Fun facts about me

Too often we stop ourselves from sharing what we truly desire to share. Whether it be in our content, on podcasts or speaking on a stage. 

We are made to believe that if we share too much vulnerability we will loose credibility, status, clients even. 
If we share from the messy middle rather than the mastery, we will loose our authority as Leaders. 
Should we dare to share something outside of our content pillars or 'irrelevant' to our business, we will confuse our audience and loose connection. 

When in fact the opposite is true. By sharing my biggest shame and allowing myself to say anything I desired to say, I liberated my soul in a way I could never go back from. 

it is in sharing the shame that we alchemise it, that's when our story turns into our biggest superpower - that's when we become the permission slip for all those watching us go first, to relaise that if we can do it, they can do it too. 

Your story NEEDS to be heard...

Free Resources


Watch as the bravest of Leaders take to the Dare to Share challenge and share more vulnerability than ever before




Not sure where to go next? Book a free 15min chat to explore with Clare and find your best next move - no obligation :)

Are you ready to share your story?